DAVID COVERDALE Continues Work On Upcoming Solo CD
December 31, 2001Former DEEP PURPLE/WHITESNAKE frontman DAVID COVERDALE has posted the following update on the progress of the songwriting sessions for his upcoming solo CD, the singer's first since 2000's Into The Light: “I have more than 20 songs to actually turn into 'songs', as opposed to 'instrumentals'...actually, closer to 30, [including] some [Into The Light] stuff I didn't finish [in time to have it included on the last album]...and I've been writing music 'furiously' this past year because of 'business' probs...I just didn't want to write 'I Hate The Record Business' lyrics, so I feel somewhat 'behind' schedule... Also, while I was working with [bassist] Tony [Franklin], I mislaid a full cassette's worth of ideas...some good 'uns, too...which are now coming back into my memory...'Tis rather 'daunting', as I'm sure you can imagine...I'm actually getting intimidated at the thought of any NEW ideas coming to the fore...And NO...to my very enthusiastic pals out there...altho' I certainly have enough 'quality' material, I won't be doing a double...or triple album, thank you very much!!!...With the distractions of Christmas, and other 'stuff'...I am feeling somewhat pressured by 'time', or the 'lack' of it...But, I am trying not to be hard on myself...but, some 'old' patterns are reluctant to release one...Whatever...onwards and forwards...Let the chips fall where they may.”