DECEIVER: 'Thrashing Heavy Metal' Artwork Unveiled

November 10, 2008

Reunited Swedish thrashers DECEIVER will release their final album, entitled "Thrashing Heavy Metal", before the end of the year via Pulverised Records.

The track listing for the CD is as follows:

01. The Tail's Of Whom In Shadows Fall
02. Ghost Of Souls & Inner Hate
03. Graveyard Lover
04. Coma Of Death Toxication
05. Machinery Of God
06. Blood Of The Soul
07. Dead To The World
08. The Dungeon
09. Legacy
10. Thrashing Heavy Metal

Check out the cover artwork below.

"Thrashing Heavy Metal" was recorded and mixed at the Abyss Studio with Tommy TÃĪgtgren (DARK FUNERAL, MARDUK, GOD AMONG INSECTS) and was mastered by Nicklas "Terror" Rudolfsson (RUNEMAGICK, SWORDMASTER). The artwork and illustration was designed by Israeli artist Eliran Kantor, who was responsible for the artwork on TESTAMENT's "Formation Of Damnation" CD.

DECEIVER's last CD, "Holov Posen Tro May Trot", came out in March 2006 via Iron Fist Productions.


Pete Flesh - Vocals/Guitar
Crille Lundin - Bass
Flingan - Drums

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