DEEP PURPLE: Fans Going 'Bananas' Over New Album Title
June 25, 2003DEEP PURPLE guitarist Steve Morse recently addressed fan concern over the title of the group's forthcoming album, "Bananas". He writes on SteveMorse.com, "One unusual thing with the album is that the tentative title. 'Bananas' has some deep-rooted fans up in arms... actually asking if we would change the title. Actually, it was just a funny reaction that [DEEP PURPLE singer] Ian Gillan had when [keyboardist] Don [Airey] and I played this intense instrumental exchange on the song of that same name. Imagine a very proper English accent saying, 'That sound like you've gone bananas,' or something to that effect. Well, in most groups, if something makes the band laugh, it has a pretty good chance of sticking. How else to explain some of the band names that exist? Inside jokes, many of them. In any case, everybody in the group is happy with the album. Quite a variety of material, which I always like, including not one, but two guitar oriented instrumentals. By the way, [bassist] Roger [Glover] says the title came from a National Geographic-type photo he pointed out to Ian that showed a skinny guy driving a bicycle loaded down with hundreds of bananas.....to which Ian replied, 'That's brilliant!' Maybe that happened, then the other that I mentioned happened? I don't know. One thing's for sure: if people have a strong reaction of any kind to a title, it will stay."