DEMON HUNTER Joined By NIGHTRAGE Singer At Arizona Concert (Video)

August 2, 2012

NIGHTRAGE frontman Antony Hämäläinen joined Seattle-based Christian metallers DEMON HUNTER on stage on July 29 at the Marquee Theater in Tempe, Arizona to perform the song "My Destiny". Fan-filmed video footage of his appearance can be seen below.

DEMON HUNTER's sixth album, "True Defiance", was released on limited-edition vinyl on July 31 via Solid State Records. Limited to a one-time pressing of 1,000 copies, the double LP, double gatefold package features stunning large-scale versions of DEMON HUNTER frontman and graphic artist Ryan Clark's beautiful artwork — making this a must-have for DEMON HUNTER fans and vinyl collectors.

DEMON HUNTER is currently headlining the True Defiance tour with support from CANCER BATS, THE PLOT IN YOU and WILLOWS.

"True Defiance", sold 12,500 copies in the United States in its first week of release to debut at position No. 36 on The Billboard 200 chart. The record arrived in stores on April 10, 2011 via Solid State Records.

Produced by Aaron Sprinkle (ANBERLIN, EMERY) and mixed by Jason Suecof (ALL THAT REMAINS, TRIVIUM),"True Defiance" finds DEMON HUNTER continuing in their hard rock evolution while embracing the components that have always formed the backbone of their music: true metal, dark rock and balladry.

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