January 25, 2007

DIMENSION F3H, the Norwegian death metal band led by Morfeus (LIMBONIC ART),has been confirmed for Hovefestivalen, a brand new five-day festival set to take place June 25-29 on the island of Tromøy, just outside the city of Arendal, in Norway. Also scheduled to appear are SLAYER, MASTODON, HATEBREED, NEUROSIS and SHE SAID DESTROY.

Hovefestivalen reportedly has the potential to become Norway's biggest festival, with up to 20,000 music fans expected to attend this year's event.

DIMENSION F3H recently inked a deal with Dark Essence Records. "We are currently working on finishing our second album, entitled 'Does the Pain Excite You?', and if everything goes according to plans, we shall have that one ready by the end of January," the band previously said in a statement. "An early spring release should be in the works."

DIMENSION F3H's debut album, "Reaping the World Winds", was released in 2003 through Hammerheart Records. The CD was produced by Morfeus and mixed at Sweden's renowned Studio Fredman (IN FLAMES, DARK TRANQUILITY, DIMMU BORGIR).

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