DISTURBED Frontman Calls HILLARY CLINTON 'A Liar', Says His 'Heart Is With OBAMA'
April 18, 2008The German edition of Metal Hammer recently conducted a short interview with DISTURBED frontman David Draiman about the upcoming U.S. presidential elections. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow:
Q: What do you think about the next presidential election in the USA?
Draiman: "This may be the first election in three that I will vote. My heart is with [Democratic presidential candidate Barack] Obama, but my political scientist head knows our country and, unfortunately, I think that the reality of the situation and it's not necessarily so unfortunate because he is more intelligent, better educated, better speaking and certainly more of a warrior than President Bush ever was and ever will be [Republican presidential candidate] John McCain. So my heart is with Obama, but my head is with McCain."
Q: How important do you consider a candidate like Barack Obama to be for the USA?
Draiman: "I think that this may be a necessary building block this election. I think that seeing as much support as somebody like Obama as a black candidate running for president in a country that historically has had issues with the African-American people, and them having issues vice-versa, is a miraculous thing. And the charisma that he has and his propensity to unify people from all walks of life is a truly admirable and beautiful trait. And I think that that's kind of the person that we need to rectify our image on the world stage as well."
Q: What do you think are Barack Obama's chances of winning the election?
Draiman: "I'm rather skeptical as to whether or not Obama will actually win the presidency. I still hope for it, and to be perfectly honest with you, if it comes down to it and he does have the candidacy, he's getting my vote."
On Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton:
Draiman: "I think she's an embarrassment to herself and everything she represents. I think that she's a two-faced liar. I think that she talks out of one side and then talks out of the other, and she shifts with whatever. She's a true politician. It's not about a cause to her it's about getting what's for her. And I think that she would do nothing more than to piss off the rest of the world if she became president.
"I would have no problem with a woman as president I have a problem with Hillary Clinton as president. I think the right woman could be great. She's not the right woman. She's not the right anything. She's just a liar. [Laughs]"
Watch the entire three-minute interview at this location.