November 5, 2003

DREAM THEATER keyboardist Jordan Rudess has posted the following message on his web site:

"Hello everyone. It's my birthday today and it's a great day to announce lots of big JR news.

"As a lot of you know, on November the 11th, DREAM THEATER's 'Train of Thought' is coming out. The tour will begin in Europe in January!

"First, concerning my new solo album: because of the madness of life, and my busy schedule, I realized that the only way get a new solo CD out the door before I leave for the DREAM THEATER world tour would be to go into complete seclusion for 14 days. This means that for 14 days I will be totally immersed in my musical world, with no phone, email or social contact. My closest family members, as well as Dani Koesterich my assistant, will support me on this and keep things in order during my time locked away in the studio. I will however be keeping a Wizard's Log daily with personal updates on my experience, including daily pictures of my beard growth, (thanks to photographer Paul Undersinger) so check in daily to share this insane, intense experience with me.

"This whole process will also be captured on video for a future 'The Making Of' DVD. I am expecting a new G5 computer to be delivered to my studio today or tomorrow, and immediately after I set it up, the session will begin! Slated to be guests on my new album so far are: Joe Satriani, Steve Morse, Vinnie Moore (whose album, 'Time Odyssey', was one of my first pro jobs),Greg Howe and Daniel J (my protege) among others. Dave Larue will contribute bass guitar and my good friend Rod Morgenstein is back to play all the drums!

"I'm proud to announce that I have opened a completely new shopping environment to purchase my CDs and other products securely and efficiently. I am now working with a company called Music Today who has an excellent reputation for reliability and service! They accept all kinds of payment, including orders by phone! Check it out here!

"For those of you waiting for the Online Conservatory to live again, I have excellent news! Dani is working now with Ryan and Chris on the final programming which enables the system to put link up online. He has told me that we are only days away from this release! We have plenty of cool new material to offer. Lots of DREAM THEATER riffs and exercises to get your chops happening! Stay tuned for the announcement!

"In 2 months JordanRudess.com will be offering a new download area. This will be a place where you can download single songs or full albums. For all of you keyboard sampling folks, my personal sounds and samples will be offered. I am also developing with Dani, Richard Lainhart (technical guru) and the programmers an area where you will be able to license original riffs and phrases to use in your own music. So once you download a JR riff, you will then own it and be able to use it in your own music!

"I am also in talks with Warner Publishing about the strong possibility of an all-keyboard DREAM THEATER transcription book. We are bouncing around ideas for which songs we will include. Send your suggestions to the JR forum!

"Finally, THE WHEEL- the new Jordan Rudess fan club has begun to spin! My dear friends in Holland (Coen and Jeroen) have launched this today, in honor of my birthday. Thanks guys!! For information on becoming a member of THE WHEEL, go here!

"So, that's all the news (today). Stay tuned and in tune."

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