ENEMY OF THE SUN: Entire 'Shadows' Album Available For Streaming

January 15, 2008

ENEMY OF THE SUN's upcoming album, "Shadows", is being streamed in its entirety at MP3.com.

ENEMY OF THE SUN is the band featuring legendary producer Waldemar Sorychta (GRIP INC., LACUNA COIL, THE GATHERING, MOONSPELL).

"Shadows" will be released in North America via The End Records on January 22, 2008 with an exclusive bonus track called "Enemigo del Sol". The track listing for the effort is as follows:

01. Emptiness
02. Burning Bridges
03. Lives Based On Conflicts
04. Clearly Surreal
05. Carousel
06. Twenty Three Feet
07. Feel The Beating
08. Satisfied By Ego Purposes
09. Brain Sucking Machine
10. Weak
11. Liar
12. Lost In Time
13. Enemigo del Sol (US bonus track)

Sorychta will attend the CD-release party for "Shadows" on Thursday, January 17, 2008 at Europa in Brooklyn, New York (an event hosted by The End Records as part of the bi-monthly NWOBHM nights at the venue). Throughout the night Sorychta will meet fans while music from the "Shadows" CD is being played. There will also be live performances from RANDALL FLAGG, SUN DESCENDS, LAPDOG OF SATAN and GWYNBLEIDD.

Says Sorychta about the band, "I call ENEMY OF THE SUN my family because in a family you have to feel comfortable. If not, it's not a good family. ENEMY is a good one. It's the way I wake up and feel the excitment about this band. It's the way I go to bed and want to stay awake because of this band. Music without limits, pure power saved in every note, deepest emotions bound in tones, burning pleasure in each single tune."


Waldemar Sorychta - guitar
Jules Naveri - vocals
Daniel Zeman - drums
Alla Fedynitch – bass

Check out audio samples on the band's MySpace page.

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