EULOGY Continuing Work On New Demo
May 11, 2008Founding member/guitarist Jarrett Pritchard of Tampa's reactivated death metal outfit EULOGY has issued the following update:
"Rob [Barrett, EULOGY/CANNIBAL CORPSE guitarist] and I sat down yesterday and did all of his trax for the demo... Mike [Pogionne, EULOGY/MONSTROSITY bassist] came down last week and did bass. It all went incredibly well. So soon we will be doing vox. Jason [Avery, vocals] has recovered relatively well from the accident. The doctors have said he is OK to scream....when I was learning of the rest he needed It became semi-funny remembering Nick Holmes from PARADISE LOST talking in an interview about popping his eye out from screaming... In our case, this was a real possibility. But he has been cleared for strenuous activity. Any of you who have ever seen him live knows that he is relativly strenuous.
"Saw DIMMU and BEHEMOTH and lots of friends at Jannus Landing last week...Good show. One of the better I have seen in a long while.
"In about a month (I forget the exact date) CANNIBAL CORPSE is releasing a documentary DVD. It spans their entire career and should be pretty great. A whole bunch of us were included in it. Both Jason and I were interviewed and as far as I know included in it. So needless to say we are excited about seeing our grills on camera in a retrospective of some important death metal history.
"As this demo thing draws to a close, my main concern next is festivals. If you're doing one...get in touch."
EULOGY's current lineup:
Jarrett Pritchard - Guitar
Jason Avery - Vocals
Rob Barrett - Guitar
Tony Laureano - Drums
Mike Pogionne - Bass
For more information, visit the EULOGYMySpace page.
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