EUROPE Completes Work On New Album

August 4, 2006

Reunited Swedish hard rockers EUROPE have completed work on the follow-up to 2004's "Start from the Dark", tentatively due this fall. The band has posted the following studio update on its official web site:

"We are now done with the recordings of the 'new' album. Everything went smooth even though it was (to say the least) hectic in the studio from time to time. All songs have been mixed by Stefan Glaumann; he really took the songs to a higher level. Joey [Tempest, vocals] has now gone to New York to supervise the mastering that will be done by George Marino at Sterling Sound."

As previously reported, EUROPE entered the Swedish Music DVD chart at position No. 9 in December 2005 with their live DVD, entitled "Live from the Dark". The two-disc set features the group's November 15, 2004 concert at the Hammersmith Apollo in London, England along with video clips, interviews, band information and a section called "Taxi Diaries."

The group's first collection of new material since 1991's "Prisoners In Paradise", "Start from the Dark" (2004) was produced by Kevin Elson, who had previously worked with EUROPE on their multi-platinum 1986 release, "Final Countdown".

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