January 13, 2006

Former ALICE IN CHAINS guitarist Jerry Cantrell has been tapped by Courtney Love to assist her with the demoing process for the the follow-up to Love's 2004 solo effort, "America's Sweetheart", according to NME.com.

Love wrote eight songs on her own before leaving court ordered rehab at the end of November, NME.com reports. Since that time she has written with ex-SMASHING PUMPKINS frontman Billy Corgan. Tracks slated to appear on the forthcoming CD include "Sunset Marquis", "For Once in Your Life", "Wildfire", "The Depths of My Despair", "Never Go Hungry Again", "Bedroom Walls", "Sad But True", "How Dirty Girls Get Clean" and "Loser Dust".

Love is said to have already been approached by labels about her new material, after Virgin chose not to renew her contract last year.

As previously reported, Cantrell underwent surgery in early December after complaining of acute pain in his left shoulder. He was admitted to Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic in Los Angeles where Dr. Stephen J. Lombardo, a noted sports medicine practitioner, attended him. The surgery included the repair of Cantrell's glenoid labrum, a ring of fibrocartilage that is part of the shoulder joint as we as the removal of bone spurs.

Cantrell's next scheduled performance is set for March 10 when he and his ALICE IN CHAINS bandmates, Sean Kinney and Mike Inez, are scheduled to appear in an episode of VH1 Classic's "Decades Rock Live!", a tribute to HEART that will take place at the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City. A spring air date for the program is to be announced shortly.

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