Ex-STEEL PROPHET Frontman To Focus Exclusively On TARAXACUM

July 18, 2002

Ex-STEEL PROPHET frontman Rick Mythiasin will concentrate completely on his German/American band TARAXACUM following his departure from the former group, according to an official statement issued by TARAXACUM founder and EDGUY bassist Tobias Exxel. "Rick's German bandmates [in] TARAXACUMTobias Exxel [guitar/bass], Franky Wolf [drums] and Ferdy Doernberg [keyboards]—are already very busy with writing new songs for [the follow-up to] Spirit Of Freedom. Masses of rough demo tapes have already been sent from Germany to the United States and back, and some 'rehearsal sessions' via telephone and internet have also been [completed]. So a real band meeting can be surely done very soon to work on thousands of details."

TARAXACUM's as-yet-untitled second album is tentatively scheduled to be released in early/mid 2003 through MTM-Metal Records.

For more information on TARAXACUM, visit the band's official web site at this location.

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