EXODUS Guitarist Says Touring With MEGADETH Was 'Awesome'

December 3, 2004

EXODUS guitarist Gary Holt has posted the following message on the group's official web site regarding their recently completed tour with MEGADETH:

"Well, it's been a grind, with the Brazil trip directly preceeding this tour and all, but I must say what a pleasure this tour has been. My hat is off to Dave [Mustaine], Glen [Drover], Shawn [Drover], and Jimmy [MacDonough] for treating us so damn well on this entire tour. The way they went out of their way the help us any way they could was simply awesome. We never felt that we were just another support band. It felt like family. Reconnecting with an old friend like Dave was more than I could have hoped for, and seeing them all come out on stage when we played 'Deranged' (after much harrassment from the brothers Drover for us to play that song) wearing Halloween masks was just the icing on the cake. They were all wearing their tour jackets, so that was my only way of identifying them. (Dave was Darth Vader, by the way!) We followed suit by wearing rubber ducks noses for our version of 'Quack in the Day'! We tried getting our hands on full ducks suits, but to no avail! My thanks also go out to every member of their crew for ruling bigtime! And to every fan I had the pleasure of meeting on this tour, a big hello and thanks to all of you!"

"[I also want] to thank Steev Esquivel [EXODUS' fill-in vocalist for the tour], for without him this tour [would] NEVER [have] happen[ed]. Some of you old-schoolers were not impressed, other were, but every single fucking night I watched him whip the crowds up in a big way. He was always fun to be around, and always gave it his all despite having little time to prepare for a tour like this. We would have never gotten out of the house for this tour without him, so I just want to give a huge shout out to him for leaving loved ones and his job behind for a while to go out and kick some ass with us!"

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