FILTER's RICHARD PATRICK To Detractors: "I Make Music, You Make Me Sick"
June 10, 2002FILTER mainman Richard Patrick has issued a direct response to the "fat, bald, four-eyed metalhead kids" who have posted scathingly unflattering messages about the singer and his band via the BLABBERMOUTH.NET news boards. In a statement posted in the comment section accompanying our report on Patrick's hatchet-burying "open letter" to LIMP BIZKIT frontman Fred Durst, Richard offers no apologies for his actions and makes no attempt to establish a common ground with his critics, choosing instead to berate them using the same kind of brutally harsh language that has been used against him. Here is Patrick's posting in its entirety (as dictated to, and typed by, the webmaster of FILTER's official web site):
"This is a message to all the fat, bald, four eyed metal head kids at Blabbermouth.com [sic] who dissed me. One in 10,000 bands get signed to a major label, one out of those signed bands makes it. I've done double platinum and I'm on my third record. I make music, you make me sick. I made it in an industry that has been fucked over by every computer nerd on the planet. Astronauts aspire to be rock musicians, movie stars aspire to rock musicians, I am at the top of the food chain, I sit on a pile of cash, I drive a BMW, I've been around the world 7 times, my music has taken me far, far away from a little computer like the one you're sitting at now. And it's all because of my talent, and you will never have that, you will never be me. So sit at your computer and bitch about Fred Durst and I, and realize that your lives are pointless. Oh, and this is the REAL Richard Patrick and not the nice guy on my website, and if you don't believe it's me, that's just your small brain eating itself. By the way, as far you guys calling me gay, I have fucked more women than you have seen in your entire lives, so get out from your computer and go find yourself a hog fat bitch girl and at least experience it once, you fucking pointless pieces of shit!"