FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH Looks Back On 'Hard To See' Video In Latest Episode Of 'Quarantine Theater 2020'

April 17, 2020

FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH has launched the second episode of its "Quarantine Theater 2020" series. Taking inspiration from "Mystery Science Theater 3000", it features frontman Ivan Moody, guitarist Zoltan Bathory and bassist Chris Kael offering commentary on the band's past music videos.

The latest episode in the series focuses on the video for the song "Hard To See", which originally appeared on FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH's second album, 2009's "War Is The Answer".

New "Quarantine Theater 2020" episodes will follow every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1:00 p.m. ET.

According to the band, "Quarantine Theater 2020" will consist of "tell-all, behind the scenes, never before told stories of the making and meaning of 5FDP's music videos."

FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH's latest album, "F8", was released on February 28. The follow-up to 2018's "And Justice For None" caps a turbulent period for FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH in which Moody finally got sober after a near-fatal struggle with addiction, while co-founding drummer Jeremy Spencer bowed out of the band due to physical issues.

Much of "F8"'s lyrical content deals with Moody's battle with addiction, its aftermath and his recovery. The singer celebrated two years of sobriety last month.

FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH's spring tour with PAPA ROACH, I PREVAIL and ICE NINE KILLS has been postponed and rescheduled for the fall. The trek was originally due to run from April 8 to May 20, but will now kick off on September 28 in Sunrise, Florida.

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