FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE: 'The Forsaking' Video Released

December 22, 2012

"The Forsaking", the new video from the Italian brutal/symphonic horde FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE, can be seen below. The song comes off the band's second full-length album, "Agony", which was released in August 2011 via Nuclear Blast Records. The CD's intricate cover design was handled by Marco Hasmann, who previously worked with the band on the "Mafia" and "Oracles" releases.

Commented the group: "The album cover is about the eternal struggle of mankind; we're condemned to live facing our evil side, which dwells in every one of us. We are like tied to the ground, forced in chains that can't be broken, so the man in the cover is representing all humanity and its eternal agony, knowing that it's almost impossible to liberate ourselves from the obscurity of our nature. Unless we decide to admit to ourselves who we are and face our doom, that would be the only way to free our kind and rise to an higher conscience, someday."


Tommaso Riccardi - Lead Vocals, Guitars
Paolo Rossi - Vocals, Bass
Cristiano Trionfera - Vocals, Guitars
Francesco Paoli - Drums, Guitars and Vocals
Francesco Ferrini - Piano, Orchestra

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