FOO FIGHTERS Joined By BLACK SABBATH's GEEZER BUTLER For 'Paranoid' Performance In Birmingham

June 28, 2024

Legendary BLACK SABBATH bassist Geezer Butler joined FOO FIGHTERS last night (Thursday, June 27) at Villa Park stadium in his original hometown of Birmingham, United Kingdom to perform the SABBATH classic "Paranoid".

In introducing Butler to the audience, FOO FIGHTERS frontman Dave Grohl said: "He's never seen a concert here. He's never played a concert here. So we thought, something special for us and hopefully it's special for him too, we'd invite him out to come play a song with us. Ladies and gentleman, Geezer Butler from BLACK SABBATH." A few seconds later, he repeated: "Let me just say it one more time: Geezer Butler from BLACK SABBATH! So, why not? Let's do a song with Geezer? What do you say Chris [Shiflett, FOO FIGHTERS guitarist]?"

Watch fan-filmed video of the performance below.

Back in 2005, Grohl told U.K.'s Total Guitar magazine about the Ozzy Osbourne-fronted outfit: "I love BLACK SABBATH. They made an amazing contribution to music today. Almost every band that made it big in the 1990s owes a debt to them."

FOO FIGHTERS will continue their European tour with a headlining appearance at Hellfest in Clisson, France on Sunday (June 30).

Formed in the mid-1990s by former NIRVANA members Grohl and Pat Smear, FOO FIGHTERS have released 11 albums, including their latest, "But Here We Are", which came out in June 2023. The effort was the band's first after drummer Taylor Hawkins's death, as well as the passing of Grohl's mother.

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