Former EMPEROR Frontman IHSAHN: New Solo Album Track Listing Revealed

March 12, 2008

Mnemosyne Productions/Candlelight Records has set a May 27 North American release date for the new solo album from former EMPEROR vocalist/guitarist Ihsahn, entitled "angL".

The track listing for the CD is as follows (in alphabetical order):

01. Alchemist
02. Elevator
03. Malediction
04. Misanthrope
05. Monolith
06. Morningstar
07. Scarab
08. Threnody
09. Unhealer

OPETH frontman Mikael Ã…kerfeldt has recorded a guest appearance on the track "Unhealer" while Asgeir Mickelson and Lars Norberg (both of SPIRAL ARCHITECT) were responsible for laying down the drum and bass tracks on the CD, respectively.

Commented Ihsahn: "[Mikael and I] been talking about doing something for a while and I'm really happy it finally came together. Needless to say, Mikael's performance is nothing short of amazing!

"Asgeir and Lars have delivered a rock-solid foundation for the whole album. Pounding blast-beats to slow fretless passages are all performed with great precision."

Ihsahn previously described the musical direction of the new CD as "a natural progression from 'The Adversary' [2006], but with a somewhat heavier touch."

Check out the "angL" cover artwork at this location.

"The Adversary" entered the Norwegian album chart at position No. 33 upon its release in 2006. The CD was written and recorded over a one-year period at Symphonique Studios in Norway and features a guest appearance by Garm from ULVER on one song. All music and lyrics for "The Adversary" were written and performed by Ihsahn with exception of drums, which were played by Asgeir Mickelson (BORKNAGAR, SPIRAL ARCHITECT). A video for "Invocation", the opening track from "The Adversary", can be viewed below. The clip was shot and produced in Notodden, Norway by a local production company. "I think the video reflects both the direct and solitary expression of the album," Ihsahn said. "It was my intention to keep everything as pure and intense as possible, yet staying true to metal tradition."

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