Former EMPEROR Frontman Performs First-Ever Solo Show; Photos Available

March 12, 2009

Former EMPEROR vocalist/guitarist Ihsahn performed his first-ever show as a solo artist, supporting OPETH at Rockefeller in Oslo, Norway on Tuesday, March 10. His setlist was as follows:

01. Invocation
02. Called By The Fire
03. Scarab
04. Emancipation
05. Unhealer
06. Misanthrope
07. Thus Spake The Nightspirit

Check out photos of Ihsahn's performance from Pierre-Wfenec.

Ihsahn was supposed to support OPETH for the majority of shows on the Swedish band's Norwegian tour in March. However, more detailed production planning revealed technical and practical difficulties at many of the smaller venues, and it proved nearly impossible for Ihsahn to play any of the other dates on the trek.

Ihsahn's second solo album, "angL", was released in May 2008 via Mnemosyne Productions/Candlelight Records. The CD features a guest appearance by OPETH frontman Mikael Ã…kerfeldt on the track "Unhealer" while Asgeir Mickelson and Lars Norberg (both of SPIRAL ARCHITECT) were responsible for laying down the drum and bass tracks on the album, respectively.

Ihsahn previously described the musical direction of the new CD as "a natural progression from 'The Adversary' [2006], but with a somewhat heavier touch."

"The Adversary" entered the Norwegian album chart at position No. 33 upon its release in 2006.

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