Former 'Headbangers Ball' Host Knocked Out By GOOD CHARLOTTE's BENJI MADDEN

April 5, 2010

According to World Entertainment News Network, GOOD CHARLOTTE guitarist Benji Madden was crowned champion at a celebrity boxing match on Saturday night, April 3 after knocking out former MTV "Headbangers Ball" host Riki Rachtman at mixed martial artist Jason Ellis' Ellismania 5 event at Las Vegas' Hard Rock Hotel and Casino.

Rachtman was so confident he would knock Madden out, he offered to pay Ellis $1,000 if he lost. But when the pair stepped into the ring in front of the 3,000-strong crowd, which included Madden's bandmate and brother, Joel Madden, and SUM 41's frontman Deryck Whibley, Rachtman was knocked down three times before the referee stopped the fight, ruling a technical knock-out less than two minutes into the first round.

Rachtman told People after the match, "Benji Madden just kicked my ass. I got wasted by the guy in GOOD CHARLOTTE." Madden responded, "That was the best backhanded congratulations I've ever gotten, but thanks anyways."

Riki later offered the following comment to Metal Sludge: "Benji beat me; congrats to him.

"The process was a blast.

"I'm a little disappointed that the rule book was thrown out the window. The whole time I thought it was boxing and bearhugs tackles and hitting a guy when he's down is not boxing.

"Benji wrestled in school and it showed.

"But kudos to Benji; he took it to me and has a mean right.

"I still plan to box and may even enter an amateur boxing match."

Video footage of the fight can be viewed below.

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