Former P.O.D. Guitarist's New Band Added To KORN/SEVENDUST Concert

November 12, 2003

THE ACCIDENT EXPERIMENT, the California-based band featuring former P.O.D. guitarist Marcos Curiel, have been added to San Diego's Rock 105 annual "The Rock That Stole Christmas" concert featuring KORN and SEVENDUST December 11 at the San Diego Sports Arena. Tickets go on sale Friday (Nov. 14) at 10:00 a.m. through Ticketmaster.

THE ACCIDENT EXPERIMENT — completed by vocalist Pete Stewart (ex-GRAMMATRAIN),bassist Tony Delocht and drummer Ernie Longoria (both ex-SPRUNG MONKEY) — recently released a six-song EP, "Arena", through the band's web site, The disc features the tracks "Scream to Breathe", "Seeds of Black", "Songs for You", "Nevermore", "Arena" and "Million Dollar Hell".

THE ACCIDENT EXPERIMENT are said to be more eclectic and musically adventurous than P.O.D., with a sound that is being described as an unlikely hybrid of TOOL, RUSH, PINK FLOYD, DISTURBED and QUEENSRŸCHE.

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