GARY MOORE's Son JACK MOORE Releases New Single 'In My Shoes'

December 30, 2024

Jack Moore, the son of rock legend Gary Moore, has released a new single with plans to launch a debut album in 2025.

In partnership with up-and-coming vocalist Quentin Kovalsky, "In My Shoes" was created when the duo toured Europe together performing a tribute show to Belfast-born Gary Moore, who is regarded as one of the greatest guitarists of all time.

Jack said: "'In My Shoes' was inspired by the relationships between parents and their sons, and how they guide you through life. It explores the themes of the values they imbue in us, and how we put them to practice in our own lives."

Gary Moore, widely celebrated as one of the greatest guitarists of all time, sold over five million albums during his career. Known for hits like "Out In The Fields", "Parisienne Walkways", "Empty Rooms", "Still Got The Blues" and "Pretty Woman", Gary made his mark as a heavy rock guitarist before evolving into a blues artist. He also performed with THIN LIZZY during two notable stints.

Gary Moore passed away on February 6, 2011, at the age of 58.

With its classic sound, "In My Shoes" channels influences from iconic artists and bands like Tom Petty, George Harrison, THIN LIZZY and THE TRAVELING WILBURYS — all of which shaped Jack's musical upbringing. The track's signature dual-guitar melodies even pay homage to THIN LIZZY's unmistakable style.

Having gained feedback from family and friends, guitarist Jack and Polish co-writer/singer Quentin are excited about the song.

Jack said: "We're proud of how the song came out and we hope people enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed making it.

"I worked on the track with Quentin while we had been paying tribute to my father around Europe with shows. We discovered that we shared musical inspirations so doing our own original project was natural.

"I think it's the start of an identity that we're comfortable with going for. The guitar and classic sound fit well with our style. I think my father would have loved this song. There's a nod to THIN LIZZY's unmistakable dual guitars in there too, and I think it's very much up my father's street in terms of style."

"In My Shoes" is now available on major streaming platforms.

Press photo courtesy of Alex McGreevy

Thank you all for nice feedback on track.
These first few days crucial for the track as more streams help it with...

Posted by Jack Moore on Friday, December 27, 2024

Jack Moore, the son of legendary Gary Moore, joins forces with Quentin Kovalski to deliver a single that seamlessly...

Posted by Quentin Kovalsky on Sunday, December 29, 2024

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