GHOULUNATICS Members Featured In 'Heads Of Control' Film
July 29, 2006GHOULUNATICS members Gary Lyons, Brian Craig and Francis Dubois appear as zombies in a horror scene rendering homage to retro Italian fright flicks in Pat Tremblay's (video director and graphic artist for such bands as GHOULUNATICS, WURDULAK, NECROPHAGIA, VIKING CROWN and ROSTRUM) first feature film, entitled "Heads of Control: The Gorul Baheu Brain Expedition". Francis Dubois also contributes musically, having written a complex yet catchy black metal track for another segment where ROSTRUM's singer Reverend S.S. Rose (a.k.a. Stéphane Soucy) appears in a strange performance of his own. Also, BODYSERPENT's leader, Viper (a.k.a. Jean-François Deshaies) has composed and performed the very eclectic soundtrack, which goes from jazz fusion, pop rock, epic western, orchestral and noise experimental among many other styles.
The film revolves around a character named Max Bawder who is very troubled and affected with Dissociative Identity Disorder syndrome. Assuming the perspective of a drug, a quest ensues to find the source of the problem.
Shot principally with non-actors that answered a newspaper ad, they were given free reign by director Pat Tremblay to act out any hidden side of their personality, as long as it was done in front of three cameras and a bluescreen. The result was then manipulated into the film's storyline and transformed into a modern-day psychedelic experimental comedic sci-fi journey.
A teaser trailer for the movie can be viewed at this location. More information about the film can be found on the official web site, www.headsofcontrol.com.