HAMMERFALL: Special Hometown Gig Planned

June 12, 2003

HAMMERFALL guitarist Oscar Dronjak has posted the following message to the band's official web site, www.hammerfall.net:

"Back from South America since two weeks, and it was definitely the best experience so far for us down there! More people, more excitement more metal. It was tremendous!

"More recently, I just got back from Sweden Rock Festival, which took place this weekend. I went down there with my girlfriend and a couple of friends from Northern greats NOCTURNAL RITES and DREAMLAND (unsigned band from Göteborg). We absolutely had a blast, watching great performances (like MASTERPLAN, TALISMAN, KAMELOT, TAD MOROSE, BLIND GUARDIAN et al),almost religious experiences (TWISTED SISTER) and lots more great music. Add nice weather (for the most part...) and beer by the crates, and I'd say you have one pretty damn successful weekend!

"[HAMMERFALL] news: we will play at Göteborgskalaset on August 11th. Haven't decided exactly how yet, but the show will be a little different from what you have seen so far. I'm sure this will be a special evening. And, guess what? It's free! The playlist on the other festivals will be tweaked a bit as well, to freshen things up a bit. We did a few songs in South America that we didn't do in Europe, so there definitely is material waiting to be inserted in the set. Cheers for now!"

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