HAMMERFALL To Appear On Swedish TV Gameshow
October 6, 2003HAMMERFALL guitarist Oscar Dronjak has posted the following message to the band's official web site:
"This Friday, at 20:00, Team HAMMERFALL will battle the Disco Babes in the nationally syndicated TV4 show 'Fortet'. Watch us go through various strenuous, complicated, disgusting and terrifying cells in our quest for the gold at the end of the rainbow (well, at the end of the courtyard, anyway...). In case you didn't know, 'Fortet' is a gameshow of sorts, but it was hard and much more difficult than I imagined going in. Most importantly, however, it was fun as hell! More about this next week, after the episode has aired.
"Other news: first, a correction from last update. The special box set will not be in the shape of a shield. The production time was too long, meaning the product wouldn't be ready in time, so we decided to make it a standard rectangular box with the shield on the cover instead. The content still remains, though, so if you want both CD and DVD plus some additional stuff I suggest you put your order in at www.nuclearblast.de, as the box is available via mailorder only.
"Yes, you can believe what you are reading the website will undergo a complete rehaul in conjunction with the release of 'One Crimson Night'. [Webmaster] Sven is working hard on getting it ready, and as far as I know the fanclub and forum pages should be up then as well. We have some cool surprises in store for you, to be unveiled in the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned to find out...
"Lastly, with a total running time of close to two hours, the CD version of 'One Crimson Night' is of course on two discs. Everyone knows any live release worth its salt is a double album. -) 'Til next time, and don't forget 'Fortet' on Friday if you have a chance to catch it. I promise you'll enjoy watching Anders, Joacim, Stefan and myself in situations you have never seen us in before... :-) Cheers!"