HANOI ROCKS Guitarist Says MÖTLEY CRÜE's 'The Dirt' Autobiography Contains 'Pure Lies'
February 15, 2005HANOI ROCKS guitarist Andy McCoy has slammed MÖTLEY CRÜE over their account of HANOI drummer Nicholas "Razzle" Dingley's death and CRÜE bassist Nikki Sixx's heroin overdose, as published in CRÜE's best-selling band autobiography, "The Dirt: Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band". Asked by Norway's Metal Express to comment on the book's description of the events surrounding the tragic car accident caused by MÖTLEY CRÜE singer Vince Neil in 1984 that killed his passenger, HANOI drummer Razzle, McCoy said, "Bullshit. Pure lies. I was there. What happened was Razzle disappeared, and so did Vince. The rest of us were chilling out, man. And he had a wife who was seven months pregnant. After an hour or so, she started getting worried. So me and T-Bone, Tommy Lee [MÖTLEY CRÜE drummer], took his car and we went looking for him. We drove past this accident. So I was like, 'What color was the car he was driving around?' 'Hey, man, we just passed the fucking scene of an accident with a bright red sports car all smashed up.' I saw Razzle's hat on the street, I went up, 'What the fuck's happened?' They said, 'You have to go to this and this hospital.' In the hospital, I walk in with Tommy, and I was asking about Razzle, and this doctor walks up, 'Anybody here know this guy called Razzle?' I said, 'Yeah, I do, his family.' 'Sorry, your friend has passed away.' I thought he might have a broken leg or something. I had to call the band, and you don't tell this kind of news over the telephone. I asked them to come to the hospital. And it was a pretty sad scene altogether."
In the same interview, McCoy was asked if he has spoken to any of the members of MÖTLEY CRÜE since publicly voicing his displeasure over CRÜE's decision to title their box set "Music To Crash Your Car To" (a move that HANOI ROCKS frontman Michael Monroe had previously called "beyond disrespectful").
"The only one I talk to nowadays is Tommy Lee," Andy replied. "I don't know… Nikki Sixx has got something against me. Maybe he doesn't like that I tell the truth about his fucking heroin overdose. He was never beat up with no fucking baseball bats. The only place he got beat was on his heart to keep it going and with my hands, and giving him a breath of life. And he's a lard-ass anyway, so it wasn't easy carrying him around and trying to get him to wake up — fucking dragging him to the shower and shit. And then having to read how he was O.D.ed and beaten up with baseball bats and all this crap. C'mon, wake up. I warned him that the stuff was strong. But he wanted to be a tough boy, but with that kind of shit, you don't wanna be a tough boy, 'cause it might be a very thin line between life and death you're playing with. Is it worth it? No."
Listen to the entire 12-minute interview at this location.