November 20, 2008Planet Metal has announced the signing of the obscure Michigan speed metal group HARBINGER. The band's sound is a frenzied melding of early metal styles, incorporating the melody of vintage British metal and the adrenaline of foundational U.S. speed metal, all fighting for space within the youthful wildness of the band's delivery. Thanks to their abundance of vocal hooks and guitar melodies, HARBINGER's songs are the perfect soundtrack for drinking in the yard, headbanging at the wheel, or arguing loudly with your mates over which legend was the better band.
The debut full-length HARBINGER CD, entitled "Doom On You!", is scheduled for a March 2009 release. The album track "Drivers to Hell" is available now for streaming via the Planet MetalMySpace page.
Matt War - Vocals
David Ruiz - Guitars
Victor Ruiz - Guitars
Doc - Bass
Sean Sethi - Drums