HEIDEVOLK To Release 'Batavi' In March

January 26, 2012

Dutch folk metal six-piece HEIDEVOLK will release its fourth album, "Batavi", on March 2 through Napalm Records.

With "Batavi", HEIDEVOLK takes you back 2,000 years to a time where numerous Germanic tribes and one massive Roman empire were struggling for dominance in north-western Europe, along the shores of the river Rhine. Caught in the middle of this where the Batavians, protagonists and name-givers of the new album.

"Batavi" is a concept album that deals with the early history of the Batavian tribe, from its origination to a daring revolt against one of the greatest empires the world has ever seen. Set against a background of wars, alliances, intrigues and betrayal in a tumultuous era, "Batavi" tells the story of a people that find themselves in various frontlines and struggle for survival.

Though still unmistakably in line with their musical tradition, on "Batavi" you will hear a faster and more determined HEIDEVOLK. With nine songs of brutal power and epic highlights, HEIDEVOLK shows you its teeth like never before. Heavy, powerful guitar riffs and fast thundering drums, mixed by Peter TÃĪgtgren, create the HEIDEVOLK sound of 2012. Trademark dual clean male vocals will guide you through the story of the "Batavi" and take you straight to the battlefields of Roman-age north-western Europe.

Commented the band: "Our new CD, 'Batavi', is about to see the light of day, and after many hours of hard work in the rehearsal room and studio we feel like a bunch of starved caged animals! Armed to the teeth with new songs, we're ready to satisfy our hunger and break free!"

"Batavi" track listing:

01. Een Nieuw Begin (A New Beginning)
02. Als Ons De Toekomst Lonkt (When The Future Beckons)
03. Het Verbond Met Rome (The Alliance With Rome)
04. Wapenbroeders (Brothers In Arms)
05. In Het Woud Gezworen (Sworn In The Woods)
06. Veleda
07. Als De Dood Weer Naar Ons Lacht (When Death Smiles At Us Again)
08. Einde Der Zege (The End Of Victory)
09. Vrijgevochten (Fought To Freedom)

An edited version of the song "Een Nieuw Begin" can be streamed using the audio player below.

The "Batavi" CD-release party will take place on Saturday, February 25 at Luxor Live in Arnhem, the Netherlands.

In March, HEIDEVOLK will embark on its fifth European tour as part of this year's Paganfest.

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