January 1, 2009

Gothenburg, Sweden-based metal/rock band HOSTILE CELL has scheduled the following dates:

Jan. 16 - Sticky Fingers - Gothenburg, SWE
Feb. 21 - Glassheim - Jevnaker, NOR (w/ ERIC SINGER PROJECT)

"Nothing", the new video from HOSTILE CELL, can be viewed below. The clip was directed by Magnus Petersson of PGF Motion in BorĂ¥s, Sweden.

HOSTILE CELL recently parted ways with bassist Per Romvall "for personal reasons." The group is now looking for a permanent replacement. If you are interested and you live in the Gothenburg area, contact the band at [email protected].

HOSTILE CELL released its self-titled debut album on October 1, 2008 via the band's own Coreshot Productions (with distribution from Plugged Records). The 10-track CD was mastered by Dragan Tanaskovich at Bohussound Recordings.

For more information, visit the band's MySpace page.

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