Is STATIC-X Done? Frontman WAYNE STATIC Speaks Out

June 22, 2010

STATIC-X frontman Wayne Static was interviewed on June 18, 2010 edition of "Uncensored Net Noise". The program can now be streamed in three parts below. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow.

On whether there is any truth to the Internet rumors that STATIC-X has broken up:

Wayne: "Well, that's not a yes-or-no question. It's more complicated than that.

"Let me give you a little background.

"STATIC-X has never been a band where the four guys get into a room together and jam and write songs and all that kind of stuff.

"Here's the way STATIC-X has always worked: I write all the songs by myself — totally and completely by myself — I give demos to the other guys, and then they add their parts to it, and then we argue about stuff and compromise and it turns out being STATIC-X. And so my whole idea was, [with the upcoming PIGHAMMER solo project] I just wanna do it by myself. I write everything myself anyway. So I'm recording everything myself — no compromising.

"This PIGHAMMER record is supposed to be a side project. And it just so happens that at the same time I'm recording this record, our contract was up with Warner Bros., so it's time for STATIC-X to re-sign. So Tony [Campos, STATIC-X bassist] dropped out [of the band]. So Tony's out and it's up to me if I wanna do another record as STATIC-X — with Koichi [Fukuda, guitar] or Nick [Oshiro, drums] or whoever I want to be in STATIC-X. But Tony's out of the picture for sure — he dropped out; he doesn't wanna do it anymore."

On Tony's reasons for leaving:

Wayne: "I haven't talked to him about it. He's been playing a lot of childish games over the last couple of years and dropping little lies here and there about me. Like, he said that I'm doing a record with my wife [former adult-film star Tera Wray] and that's why STATIC is on hold. And I was like, 'C'mon, dude. I'm doing a solo record.'

"I think he's jealous 'cause I have the hottest wife in the world. Honestly, that's what I really think.

"But anyway, that's the situation. I have not officially closed the coffin on STATIC-X. My plan was to do this solo record and then do another STATIC-X record. Tony decided he doesn't wanna do it anymore, so I'm not really sure where that puts things — if STATIC-X is still gonna be STATIC-X without him. I think it could be. Right now I'm just kind of focusing on getting my solo record done, which is absolutely awesome. It's some of the greatest stuff I've ever written. I'm going back and doing some singing, kind of like I did on [2003's] 'Shadow Zone', but it's still got all the full-on screaming that everyone likes, too. It's a little more electronic-sounding, kind of like [2001's] 'Machine' was — more keyboards and loops. And I'm really excited about it."

On being the sole creative force in STATIC-X:

Wayne: "I've always tried to keep the same guys in the band for our onstage chemistry, [but] in fact I've actually written and produced everything that the band has ever put out."

On whether STATIC-X will sign with a new label or re-sign with Warner Bros.:

Wayne: "I actually re-signed with Warner Bros. on my own. They've been really good to us and all the people over there are great; they love me and I love them. So I'm just sticking with them. So my solo record will be coming out on Warner as well."

On a possible release date for the PIGHAMMER debut:

"I'm hoping before the end of the year. I'm guessing I'm a few weeks — maybe four, five, six weeks tops — from actually finishing recording. And then from there it takes the label three or four months to put it out, so I'm hoping to get it out by fall."

On whether there will be any touring behind the solo project:

Wayne: "Yes, absolutely. I've got some people lined up. I'm gonna have my wife playing bass on it — like a hot chick bass player on stage, you know what I'm saying?! And then I've got Bevan Davies [drums; JERRY CANTRELL, DANZIG, COMES WITH THE FALL], who actually has played with STATIC-X twice — he's done two tours with us when Nick couldn't do it; he filled in a couple of times. And then I've got another buddy of mine who's probably gonna play guitar. But that'll all come in time. Right now, like I said, I'm just focusing on the recording part."

On the possibility of STATIC-X carrying on in the future:

Wayne: "No matter what, Wayne Static will march on, and the music that I'm writing for my solo record is gonna sound very much like STATIC-X — I think it's gonna be a little more straight to the point and a little less compromised — but I agree with you there's an onstage chemistry with all the guys that some people may miss, but the music's gonna be slamming, just like any of your favorite STATIC-X records, so I will go on no matter what. And we'll see what the future brings as far as all the other guys jumping back in or not."

Interview Part 1:

Interview Part 2:

Interview Part 3:

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