JUDAS PRIEST Officially Announce Summer 2004 Tour Dates

December 10, 2003

JUDAS PRIEST have officially announced the following summer 2004 tour dates:

Jun. 05 – Bologna, ITA @ Gods of Metal
Jun. 10 – Sölvesborg, SWE @ Sweden Rock
Jun. 12 – Lichtenvoorde, NETH @ Arrow Classic Rock
Jun. 20 – Athens, GRE @ Rock Wave Festival
Jun. 25 - Villarobledo (Albacete),SPA @ Metal Mania
Jun. 27 – Dessel, BEL @ Graspop Metal Festival

More dates will be announced soon.

JUDAS PRIEST, who will celebrate their 30th anniversary next year, are believed to be on the verge of signing a new major-label deal with Sony Music following their split with the Atlantic label last year. Their forthcoming CD will be the group's first to feature vocalist Rob Halford since 1990's RIAA gold-certified "Painkiller".

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