KITTIE Frontwoman Apologizes For Chicago Concert Cancellation

October 3, 2005

KITTIE frontwoman Morgan Lander has posted the following message on the band's official web site:

"I wanted to come on here and personally apologize to everyone who bought a ticket to the show and spent their hard-earned money on travel arrangments to come out to see the show in Chicago [for the Windy City Invitational festival on Oct. 1]. I would have said something yesterday, but truthfully, I was really too upset.

"This was a devastating blow to all of us, both financially and personally, as we had a wonderful show the night before and were all excited to play in Chicago.

"I was, unfortunately, unable to cross the border because of a perceived visa complication, and nothing else. As a Canadian citizen, I need a work visa to be able to play shows and tour in the United States. It is the way the U.S. government operates, and we must abide by the rules. Maybe they singled me out, who knows, but Mercedes [Lander, drums], our crew and the other girls got across fine, and myself, who went with the equipment and not the rest of my band, was denied, and subsequently my visa was taken away and voided. I now have to re-petition to get a new visa in order to have the privledge to work in the United States.

"You all need to know that this was in no way the fault of the band or management, and I sincerly apologize for any trouble this has caused. It was merely a technicality and this sort of thing happens to bands all the time.

"We would like to try to make this up to you somehow, and those of you who we personally know who have made sacrifices to come and see the show should be made up to in some way...I'll get in touch with you personally to see what we can do...

"I feel horrible for what has happened and hope to see you all again soon..."

KITTIE played their debut gig with their new lineup — featuring new guitarist Tara McLeod, formerly with Strathroy, Ontario area band SHERRY, and bassist Trish Doan, who played with London, Ontario rockers HER — on Thursday (Sept. 29) at Call the Office in London, Ontario. The band will soon release a downloadable EP to introduce new material.

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