KULT OV AZAZEL: New Album To Feature Guest Appearance By POSSESSED Frontman

March 12, 2008

Floridian black metallers KULT OV AZAZEL have issued the following update:

"We have spent the last week finalizing the new songs and laying down drum tracks for a pre-production demo of what will become our fourth album, 'Destroying the Sacred'. Over the next few weeks we will be recording guitar and bass tracks for the demo and will most likely post some previews of these on the KULT OV AZAZEL MySpace page once completed. We plan to enter the studio to record the album this coming fall. 'Destroying the Sacred' will consist of ten new songs plus a POSSESSED cover with vocals by Jeff Becerra and will also complete our contract with Arctic Music which means we are open to offers from interested record labels. Those interested and which have something to offer can contact the band at k6u6l6t@kultovazazel.com."

Songtitles set to appear on "Destroying the Sacred" include "Prelude to Holocaust", "The Plagues of Mankind", "Slaughter the Prophet", "I am the Devil", "Sacrilege: Destroying the Sacred, Gutting Religious Heritage, Conquer & Annihilate" and "The Lucifer Principal".

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