L.A. GUNS' TRACII GUNS To Guest On 'Uncensored Net Noise'

February 15, 2007

L.A. GUNS guitarist Tracii Guns will appear on Morning Show Central's "Uncensored Net Noise" this Friday (February 16) at 9:00 p.m. to discuss the band's new single, "I Do", as well as to answer fan questions and briefly discuss his career.

To hear the show live on the Internet go to this location. Once you are done listening to the show, you can click on the "Live Chat" and ask Tracii questions.

Tracii will also be on the hard rock/metal show "Maximum Threshold Show" Monday night (February 19) at 8:00 p.m. Check it out at this location.

As previously reported, the L.A. GUNS version featuring Tracii Guns on guitar, Jeremy Guns on bass, Chad Stewart on drums and Paul Black on vocals has posted its brand new single, "I Do", at its MySpace page. Also available is a live version of "I Do", taken from the "The Riff Hits The Fan" CD. Both songs are available for download for 99 cents each at this location.

Paul Black co-wrote L.A. GUNS' fan favorites and Nickey Alexander played all drum tracks on the band's classic self-titled debut album for Polygram Records. The group released a CD, titled "The Black List", last year, which is a collection of previously unreleased recordings of L.A. GUNS standards from 1986 and 1987, and is currently recording new material for release later in 2007.

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