LACUNA COIL's CRISTINA SCABBIA: Whoever Thinks COVID-19 Is 'Just A Flu' Should 'Definitely Visit Some Hospitals'

December 4, 2020

LACUNA COIL's Cristina Scabbia has called out people who claim that the coronavirus is "just a flu" and that the impact of the virus has been vastly exaggerated.

Earlier today, the Italian singer took to her Instagram to share a photo of her negative coronavirus test, and she included the following message: "Nope, I'm not pregnant, sit down ;) But. I got tested and I am negative to covid-19.

"Happy? For sure. Celebrating? Nope, we are not out of this mess yet and I still think about the ones who lost their lives and others who are still fighting for it.

"Even though way more people (compared to the first lockdown period) around me got the virus, I have been trying to prevent as much as I can, wearing a mask and keeping my distance from others and so far I've been lucky.

"Please be careful out there, we all want to go back to normality and whoever thinks 'it's just a flu' should definitely visit some hospitals of simply the houses of some people I know who met this micro bastard. It's definitely no fun.

"Wish you all the best and all the health".

This past July, Scabbiablasted people who promote the conspiracy theory that the COVID-19 pandemic is part of a strategy conceived by global elites — such as Bill Gates — to roll out vaccinations with tracking chips that would later be activated by 5G, the technology used by cellular networks. She also criticized people who refuse to wear a mask in public spaces to protect others from possible infection.

About 2 percent of diagnosed coronavirus cases are lethal, compared with 0.1 percent of diagnosed flu cases, according to The Washington Post.

More than 1.6 million people have been infected with the coronavirus in Italy, where LACUNA COIL is based, and more than 58,000 have died.

Italy recorded 993 COVID-19 deaths on Thursday, eclipsing the 969 peak reached on March 27, when the country was in full lockdown.

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