LOVE AND DEATH: 'Chemicals' EP Available For Streaming

April 25, 2012

"Chemicals", the debut EP from LOVE AND DEATH, the new band led by former KORN guitarist Brian "Head" Welch, can be streamed in its entirety at AOL Music.

"Chemicals" was released on April 24. An intense semi-animated music video for the title track shot by POAB Designs/Martillo Pictures will follow soon.

"Chemicals" track listing:

01. Paralyzed
02. Whip It Feat. Matt Baird
03. Chemicals
04. Paralyzed (Har Megiddo Remix)
05. Chemicals (Har Meggido Remix)

Regarding his decision to call his group LOVE AND DEATH, Welch recently said, "I put this band together in 2009. Since then, we've experienced some very intense highs and lows. Michael Valentine, Dan Johnson, J.R. Bareis and myself have toured around the world playing a lot of killer shows, but we've also had some heart-shattering difficulties along the way. To us, the name LOVE AND DEATH symbolizes everything we've been through as a band over the last few years. We love this band so much and we'll go through hell to connect with our fans. We've proven that to ourselves over and over again."

With LOVE AND DEATH, the music now lives under its own banner.

"Many people have confused my speaking dates and our band dates because they were both being booked as Brian 'Head' Welch," said Welch. "I have wanted to use a band name for branding my music for a few years. It has been an ongoing discussion with my management, but we were just starting to tour and I was in the middle of supporting my third book and it seemed like a bad time to switch names. Now with the new music coming out, it's time to really separate the things I do. I want the music to be about music. I will still be doing public speaking under Brian 'Head' Welch. I am happy that all the confusion will be over."

LOVE AND DEATH formed when Welch decided to have open auditions on YouTube in 2009. "I picked the guys and then had a jam session in Phoenix," says Welch. "Over the last couple of years, there have been a few lineup changes as we went through normal growing pains. The current band has been together and touring for a while now and they are a big part of the new music and the future of LOVE AND DEATH."

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