MACHINE HEAD's ROBB FLYNN Predicts JOE BIDEN Will Lose To DONALD TRUMP In 2020 Presidential Election: 'It Will Be A Bloodbath'

April 9, 2020

MACHINE HEAD frontman Robb Flynn has predicted that former Vice President Joe Biden will lose to President Donald Trump in the presidential election.

Flynn made his comments in the latest installment of his online blog, "The General Journals: Diary Of A Frontman... And Other Ramblings", posted on Wednesday (April 8),the same day that Senator Bernie Sanders ended his presidential campaign, clearing Biden's path to the Democratic nomination and a showdown with Trump in November.

Robb wrote: "I'd like to congratulate the DNC, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Mayor Pete, Beto O'Rourke, Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, Mike Bloomberg, and all the other Establishment Democrats for handing Donald Trump another 4 years. Hit piece after hit piece ensured Bernie Sanders defeat, while fluff piece after fluff piece tricked enough older people into thinking Biden could somehow save us. Regardless of whatever awesome and powerful woman he picks as VP (Warren? Which will no doubt be another huge step forward for women, as Hillary was),Trump will unequivocally slaughter Biden. It will be a fuckin' bloodbath.

"The 'machine' that got behind Biden and his 'centrist' vision to 'bring us back to the way things were before Trump' (as if shit wasn't fucked up before!) is (once again) the most absurd thing I've ever witnessed from a party I once sort-of identified with.

"And that ain't to say that I couldn't identify with conservative values either, I can. And I can identify with a whole lot of other values as well. Values that fall well outside of the 2 party system we seem permanently stuck in.

"On the bright side though, I had a friend break it down to me, that many, if not all of Bernie's ideas will live on, and will in fact be implemented soon. Many of them are already happening now, with non-insured people getting free COVID-19 testing (Medicare For All),and everyone more than happy to cash that $1,200 dollar 'socialism check' coming there way tomorrow. People will get used to these things, and will realize how good they are, realize the sky didn't fall when they got implemented, and want more.

"People fear change, until life forces it on them.

"We will live to fight another day.

"Thank you Bernie Sanders for everything you brought to America that will eventually take hold. Thank you for inspiring a generation of young people that will fight for your values. Thank you for bringing those far-out ideas to the forefront of the conversation. Thank you for inspiring more people than maybe any human in recent memory.

"What a shame our next president couldn't be with a man with as much moral courage, Brooklyn toughness, self-depricating-humor, and conviction as you.

"Joe Biden?


"Today, with Bernie out of the race, I'm defeated, I'm deflated, I'm furious, I'm lost, I'm checkin' out."

Flynn previously predicted that Biden will lose to Trump in his March 4 "The General Journals" entry, stating at the time Trump "will win the November 2020 election in a landslide. It will be the biggest democratic slaughtering in modern history, akin to Boris Johnson's landslide victory over Corbin in the UK recently," he said. "Joe Biden does not stand a fucking chance against Donald Trump and the vicious, united, well financed GOP.

He continued: "Democrats are going to cry in November 2020… Not me. The Democratic establishment has rallied around 'Dementia Joe', and there will be no going back from this.

"The youth have rallied around Bernie. They want change, but the old fucks in this country who had everything that the youth want (healthcare, cheap college) have lost the plot and only wanna protect what they have now. We bail out banks, airlines, and huge corporate farmers, it's socialism for the ultra rich, and cold hard capitalism for the poor, poor farmers and middle-class

"Revolution is coming. Change is coming. It's going to be harsh. But the old establishment who want to take us back to the 'glory days' can't seem to fathom this."

Robb added in part: "I will never endorse Joe Biden. I will never vote for Joe Biden. He's an old establishment out of touch fool. He is the very embodiment of everything that I cannot stand in a politician. I refuse to vote for a person I don't believe in.

"I will never vote for Trump. He's the embodiment of everything that I cannot stand in a human being. A spoiled, rich brat who was a millionaire by the time he was 8 years old. Dude was born on 3rd base! Silver spoon in mouth, growing up with a $200,000 a year allowance. He never had to work, he inherited everything from his wealthy father. He never had to 'pull himself up by his bootstraps', he never had to eat Top Ramen sandwiches to survive, never knew what it was like to grow up three blocks away from the trailer park that your father grew up in, no idea what poor white trash is, he is the epitome of New York City, elite, coastal, WHITE privilege. The spoiled billionaire playboy who got bailed out by daddy, and the government (with subsidies) his whole life, and has the nerve to complain about welfare.

"I've had four abortions, I can't imagine how many abortions that motherfucker's had, with all those models, strippers, and porn stars he was fuckin' back (now?) when he was a 'playboy billionaire'. And all those idiot Christians who follow him… The jokes on you suckahs… You're getting conned by the ultimate Con man

"And he's GOOD!! Trump has charisma, Trump has wit, Trump is entertaining. Biden on the other hand has NONE of that. Mumbling, absurdly old-fashioned comebacks, he's fucking VANILLA!

"Trump's giving people hope, while simultaneously crushing their dreams and enriching all of his billionaire buddies and their / his corporations, cutting the very safety net that supports most of the folks that live paycheck to paycheck.

"And that includes me. I'm 6 paychecks away from being out on the street. I'm one serious injury away from being out on my ass. But people vote against their own self interests all the time, it's a fact of American life

"I grew up on punk rock, early thrash metal, and PUBLIC ENEMY/NWA (and throw in some goth and pop). I was taught to believe that all politicians were full of shit. Reagan was full of shit, Clinton was full of shit, both Bush's were full of shit, Obama was full of shit, every last one of them. Trump just happens to be more full of shit than all of those guys combined.

"It's strange times we live in when people rally behind a politician old enough to be your grandpa, with a really bad spray tan that makes him look like some over-sized nacho cheese Dorito, and yet to many, this dude is the ultimate!

"Joe Biden does not stand a chance against Trump, period, end of story, come November it will be a slaughter.

"This will be the first year that I do not vote in the United States of America since the 90's.

"I'm checking out, the Democratic establishment is against us. The Un-united States Of America is a mess. Though the good news is, 60% of the population wont vote either!! Thats right… 60% WON'T VOTE AT ALL!!

"People will say if I don't vote for Biden, it's a vote for Trump. Same bullshit I heard last election.

"I won't vote for people I don't believe in."

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