MEGADETH Bassist Reveals DAVE MUSTAINE's Most Memorable Piece Of Advice

May 6, 2005

MEGADETH bassist James MacDonough recently answered a few questions by e-mail for the MEGADETH fan site Rattlehead HQ. A couple of excerpts from the interview follow:

Rattlehead HQ: What was your favourite MEGADETH song and what was your favourite MEGADETH album before you got into MEGADETH?

James MacDonough: "In my neck of the woods in J'ville, Florida, we got a hold of the first album at the time they released 'Peace Sells'. All I can remember is jamming full-throttle to both those albums. I still remember all the pieces of the videos when we're playing certain songs and it seems so surreal to be actually playing them so many years later. One of my favourite songs is 'Wake up Dead'."

Rattlehead HQ: What is the most memorable piece of advice that Dave Mustaine has given you since you joined MEGADETH?

James MacDonough: "There's a ton, but if I had to narrow it down to one I'd say 'If you listen to me and listen well, I can help you change every aspect of your life, spiritually, monetarily, and I'll make you the best bass player you can be.'"

Rattlehead HQ: If the decision was yours, would MEGADETH stay MEGADETH, or would it go to Dave Mustaine solo band?

James MacDonough: "You might as well ask me if I'd like to take another breath..."

Rattlehead HQ: What has been the most memorable MEGADETH show for you so far?

James MacDonough: "There has been a lot seriously but if I had to narrow it down I'd definitely say my b'day in Kawasaki, Dave singing ['Happy Birthday'] at the end of 'Paranoid', and then bringing out a cake."

Read the entire interview at

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