March 22, 2006

MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustaine has posted the following message in the "Forums" section of the band's official web site:

"Now to tell you about Dubai! I am sure y'all saw the first half of this, about getting there and meeting some of the bands. I ended up really feeling like we were anywhere else in the world and not like I was in the allegedly dangerous hot spot that we are fed propaganda to think it is. And to spare you the suspense, James [Lomenzo, bass] was great, I loved the audience, and would go back again to play.

"Now, onto the story. Actually, I learned a lot about Dubai, and the people were really interesting because the population has came from all over. I met five guys from a band over there, and I think they said they were from Kuwait; two blonde girls that were sisters from Lebanon, who now live in Saudi Arabia. There were loads of South Africans, English, European, and American people living there and when I looked out at the audience during 3 DOORS DOWN, James said, 'American Idol', because of all the squealing teenie-boppers after their songs. And I noticed that there were so many beautiful young people there, dressed like normal music fans, moshing, dancing, singing, and taking pictures with their friends, just like anywhere.

"I'm glad I let MEGADETH's music help persuade me to go to this far and distant part of the world. It helped a lot that we had made fast friends with the other bands that were on the bill that were actually staying still in one spot long enough for a conversation to take place. Of course the guys in TESTAMENT are my friends and I dig their stuff so much, I sat in the desert with the sun beating down on my red-head for at least 45 minutes and I started to feel like a crouton, so I went into my trailer to cool off. The two days before the show, mainly at the press conference, was when I met most everyone else on that bill; the 3DD guys the night we arrived; REEL BIG FISH and MANNIKIND at the press conference.

"So, I was hanging out a little so I wouldn't seem like a snob, but I couldn't eat or drink so I slinked off to bed. The next morning I woke up feeling green again and went to have breakfast, but was still destroyed from the apparent food poisoning and time change, since Dubai is 12 hours behind L.A. When I went downstairs to go to the press conference there were dozens of choppers and modified vehicles from Monster Cable that were there to escort the bands to the press conference.

"As soon as we arrived I introduced myself to the guys in RBF and told them how much I liked MADNESS and a few other ska bands. Later, we all ended up going out on a safari riding the sand dunes. Yep, bouncing around on the sand dunes; up and down, and down and up, side-to-side-to-side, and I am getting bloody carsick in front of five SUVs full of new friends and whatnot. Thank god we stopped long enough for them to sand board for a bit, meanwhile, allowing me to search the backseat of the land cruiser for my ass.

"Finally, at that point where I stopped rerunning TUMS and Alka-Seltzer commercials and jingles through my head, we packed our caravan back up and headed to a campsite with belly dancing, camels, pipes, and authentic Mediterranean catering. I was hypnotized by the belly dancer and thank god we got called away to go do our sound check or I would have probably agreed, had she asked me to go dance and make a fool of myself. Who knows? It may have helped.

"Arriving at the festival site that night, I found everything in order, a real professional stage, sound, and light configuration, and the dressing rooms were perfect. We sound-checked for a while and then headed back to my new infirmary, the hotel. I watched hours of information about this fascinating country on TV, like how Dubai is more of a State, with the United Arab Emirates being for them like the United States is for us Americans.

"Morning finally arrives the day of the show, and I wobble into the restaurant for breakfast. The good guys in RBF ask if I wanted to join them, and I said no, although I quickly changed it to a yes. I was just feeling a bit 'the odd man out,' but they looked like they were having a good time every time I saw them, so I accepted. The clock has screeched to almost a complete stop and it is taking hours now for the rest of the day to come and go. We are scheduled to leave early to see TESTAMENT, so the band leaves, and I go with the promoter to the American hospital one last time before the concert. Everything checks out, he says I will live but don't do anything strenuous. Ha! What . . . like a 90-minute MEGADETH concert?

"So, I get there in time to see Chuck and the boys, and to hang and talk to them about touring again sometime in the future. Next, RBF take the stage. I was really excited to see these guys because ska is just plain 'feel good' music to me. I was pleasantly surprised; actually shocked at their opener, because they pretended they were a metal band for a few seconds and I though, 'Wow, now this I gotta see for an hour!'

"3 DOORS DOWN were good too, and I had no idea how many of their songs I knew. It was like every ten minutes or so, there was another song that I knew. I understand now why they are so big in the states; a lot of pop ballads with great hooky melodies for the radio.

"Then it was our turn. I have been dealing with nerves, nausea, and curiosity that would kill a lion about how James is going to do. But as soon as we walked up the ramp, there was no before or after. There was just there and then; that 90 minutes on the other side of my normal world.

"As I walked up the ramp to the deck and went to center stage, I saw the faces of everyone up front, I knew that this was something that these fans have been waiting a very long time for. I don't know how many of my peers have gone over there, but these fans were ready! Flags from many different nations, and t-shirts from almost all of the MEGADETH eras. It felt like I was playing to friends at just about anywhere in the world.

"The show rolled along as usual, and I noticed some of my new friends up in the wings, which always feels good when ya meet a new group to know they'll at least check ya out a little. And before I knew it, the show was over, the firework display signifying that the festival was over, and the rest was some fat lady singing. The after-show party was fun and the guys were hanging out with the fans; meanwhile, I was trying not to show everyone what I had for dinner.

"The flight home was long and horrible, and I won't go into that, because it was the fellow passengers and not the airplane so much. And now I am over jet-lag, preparing for our trip next month out to England to do some work.

"And in case I didn't make this clear, James Lomenzo was stellar. Thanks to J-Mac again for filling in such a difficult position, and doing such a good job. To the bands out there looking for a fantastic bassist, call James MacDonough, he has my personal recommendation.

"In closing, I had already met enough people backstage and from the entire trip to convince me that this is a place that I would come back to, especially to play for Jackie and CSM, for either a string of solo concerts or to participate in a future Dubai Desert Festival when we will be eligible for returning in the next few years. Until then, to all of the Middle Eastern fans, 'You've been great!, We've been MEGADETH! Good night!!!"

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