MEGADETH's DAVE MUSTAINE: It Won't Be Long Before I Play Live Again

April 29, 2004

MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustaine has posted the following message on the group's official web site:


"Tomorrow I head off with the family out to Nashville to start the mix of the new album. Jeff has been mixing already for a few days and I have been finishing up the remixes and final approvals in my home studio.

"I have planned a surprise visit to a friend of mine in Nashville who really helped me make my transition from disgruntled musician with crumpled arm, to miserable civilian with healing appendage, to happy camper with fully-living limb, back to 'ready to rock' musician with smoking digits.

"My friend is celebrating his 50th birthday, but you would never know it. Happy Birthday Michael, I love you my brother. Thank you for investing time in a tortured soul and helping me learn how to love God, myself, my family, and my fans — which I call friends. We are never finished until we take that final sleep.

"The artwork is coming along great for the remixes, and all of the credits are finally right too. This means that if you read the credits (hopefully) there will be no more questions as to who did what solo.

"I doubt any of you noticed that in 'Sweating Bullets' for years people have been saying, 'Thinking down to your level.' Well, it has always been 'Sinking down to your level,' and now the lyrics will read properly.

"On another note, I am very flattered and embarrassed by the 'hot' thread. I appreciate all of the kind words, but I think you are giving me way too much credit.

"It was also a bit awkward to see that some of the guys were posting stuff, funny or not, I am relieved that you know I love you enough to enjoy you having some fun with the gals, or if yer queer and fancy me, that I wouldn't ostracize you for your personal choices.

"Ya ain't getting my ass, but at least ya know I won't kick ya out.

"I was also surprised to see one of the guys I talked to on the phone being so vocal in the thread too. Just when ya think ya know somebody . . . ya never know what is going to happen 'round these parts.

"Well, I am wrestling with my feelings about wanting to put a new song up for you to check out, but I seem to remember some VF saying that I only put up the heaviest song so that I could confuse or rip off you Droogs.

"So, I am just nibbling on my fingernails until I get a green light from the record company and management, or I decide to run the red light on my own and put something up.

"If you see me in Nashville this week, stop and say hello.

"I will also be going to the Kentucky Derby on Saturday. Hell, I figured since my family has allowed me to use the time I set aside for them to go back into music we would go see something that we all like now. That's right — I have my own horse now, so it is only fitting that I should go see the big race again, this time as someone who is a horse person too.

"Lastly, it won't be long now until I start figuring out when and where I am going to play again.

"The dilemma is under what pretenses (name),where, and with whom. I have asked [drummer] Vinnie [Colaiuta] and bassist Jimmy [Sloas] if they were interested in playing in front of you fanatics, and they were totally up for it. It is now a matter of timing, the first weeks' record sales, and which continent first.

"I may end up just visiting Europe and the UK until the demand is back for me over there. But I do know that I am going back to Japan and doing the US and South America in the next two years."

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