MICHAEL ANTHONY: 'VAN HALEN In The Later Years Became All About Big Business'
July 17, 2010RockConfidential.com recently conducted an interview with CHICKENFOOT/ex-VAN HALEN bassist Michael Anthony.
RockConfidential.com: It's nice to see that CHICKENFOOT has taken on a life of its own and people realize it is definitely a "real" band and not just another supergroup. How did you guys see it when you first got together?
Anthony: We didn't even see doing a record. When we first got together about three years ago we had so much fun that we decided to go into the studio and do some writing and see what would come of this. It definitely wasn't a supergroup thing where we picked out musicians to work with. I've known Chad Smith for years and I've jammed with Joe [Satriani] before. It was really just four friends with a little time to see what happens. We just wanted to get together and jam. We started writing stuff and it sounded great. Next thing you know we decided we needed to record what we were doing and then we got Andy Johns involved. Then we decided we should do a record. When you hear about "supergroups" you know they'll record a CD and hit the big arenas and make a lot of cash and then shake hands and say goodbye. It wasn't like that all. We want to have fun. We've all done our stuff in the past and we have absolutely nothing to prove. We're just diggin' the music we're making.
RockConfidential.com: That vibe definitely comes across. If you were lying to me right now it would be easy to see on stage if you were telling the truth or not! It's like a bunch of brothers on stage.
Anthony: Let me tell ya. We toured for a good part of last year and it was like a paid vacation. Not to dwell on it, but VAN HALEN in the later years became all about big business. It was more of a corporate thing and you almost lose sight of why you were doing it in the first place. Now it's like I've been rejuvenated. I feel like it's the first band I ever played in. I get to hang out with three of my buddies and have fun and then we get to go on stage and jam and have a good time! What more could you ask for?
RockConfidential.com: Think how many real brothers wish they had the bond you guys do. Especially you and Sammy [Hagar, vocals].
Anthony: We were great friends when he was in VAN HALEN. It wasn't until after he left VAN HALEN that we reconnected after a few years and really became buddies. We're better friends now than we were the first time around. The proof is watching the DVD or seeing us live. There is no act going on. We're having a great time on stage. How can you not when you see a guy like Chad up there just going nuts?
RockConfidential.com: When someone is known for dropping his pants as quickly as he does, you know you're in for a party atmosphere.
Anthony: There's been a few times where we told him to leave the sock at home! That's for his other band. It's definitely a fun vibe. Even Best Buy — who we did the album through — asked what was up and if we were gonna just call it a day. We were like, "hell no!" It may take a little while to put another one out because Joe's working on another solo album and Chad's in the studio with the CHILI PEPPERS. We'll wait. It's not like we're going to make it a revolving door type of band where Joe can't make it so we'll get another guitar player. This is a band and we're not going to replace anybody unless we just totally have to.
Read the entire interview from RockConfidential.com.