August 14, 2006

MICHAEL SCHENKER GROUP (MSG) bassist Rev Jones has issued the following update:

"First off, I want to thank everyone for supporting us on the European tour and at all the festivals — you're the best. I played with MSG at the Wacken festival [in Wacken, Germany] last week to over 60,000 people. It was amazing. What a crowd! The highlight of the show for me was during my bass solo having 60,000 people clapping there hands together keeping time for me as I played 'Eleanor Rigby'. This is something I'll never forget. I also performed at the festival with KOTTAK (formerly KRUNK) and I played a song onstage with my favorite German band NIKKI PUPPET. Both or these performances were also great. Aside from playing at the festival it was also great to be able to hangout with some of my friends that I have not seen in a while, Nibbs from SAXON, Uriah and Reb from WHITESNAKE, Kai and Dirk from GAMMA RAY, METAL CHURCH, NIKKI PUPPET, WE, Mikkey Dee from MOTÖRHEAD, David from MORBID ANGEL, Elliot from Dean Guitars, Uli Roth, and the SCORPIONS. What a party.

"We are now getting ready for the MSG North American tour that should kick off in September and go until the middle of November, followed by a short tour in Asia and back to the U.K. for a few shows. It should be a great tour.

"Again thank you to everyone that supported us. See ya on the road."

MICHAEL SCHENKER GROUP released "Tales of Rock 'n' Roll", a special CD to celebrate the band's 25-year anniversary, on August 1 via Locomotive Records. The CD contains Michael Schenker's signature riffage on new cuts featuring an all-star assembly of singers who have recorded with Schenker over the past quarter-century: Graham Bonnet, Gary Barden, Robin McAuley, Kelly Keeling, Leif Sundin, Chris Logan and Michael's current vocalist, Jari Tiura. UFO's Pete Way chips in with bass for this special occasion and RACER X drummer Jeff Martin is behind the kit.

The acclaimed German lead guitarist has recorded 34 studio albums with 10 different bands, including SCORPIONS, UFO, MICHAEL SCHENKER GROUP, and the MCAULEY/SCHENKER GROUP. Add to that eight live albums and five compilations and you get a staggering 47 Michael Schenker albums.

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