MINISTRY's JOURGENSEN: 'One Down, One Year To Go'

February 22, 2003

MINISTRY mainman Al Jourgensen has posted the following mesage to the band's official web site (

"Wassup pissants

"One down 1 year to go.
Dates and opening bands should all be wrapped up sometime this week.
Had a gas in [El] Paso [on Feb 16]. The crowd kicked ass. Sorry we couldn't play our full set. We had a lot of tech probs (Louis blew his amp and we blew some monitor wedges making it virtually impossible to hear anything up there). Guess we were a little loud... tee hee...

"We still clocked in at 90 minutes and plan to iron out all the probs b4 we hit Europe [next week]. By the time we hit the States we should be a well-oiled machine (very erotic eh?). We're trying to set up another chat too.

"I truly do enjoy shooting the shit with you lunatics. So, breakfast well lest you dine in hell.

"No war

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