Missing In Action: Former OZZY OSBOURNE Guitarist JAKE E. LEE
June 23, 2003If you've been wondering what former OZZY OSBOURNE/BADLANDS guitarist Jake E. Lee has been up to during the recent years, you're not the only one. Seems that even the webmaster of Lee's Official Fan Site can't quite keep the tabs on the ever-elusive Lee, who has been rumored to be involved with a variety of projects, none of which have seemingly panned out beyond the planning or recording stage.
The following is the latest posting from the webmaster of www.jakeelee.com outlining the "current state of affairs":
"Well, as the weeks, months, years roll on nothing here really changes apart from Jake seemly becoming more and more reclusive.
"I continually receive emails from both fans and people within the music industry wondering what on earth Jake is doing these days?? I have received countless enquires for Jake to involve himself with some well-established and connected people within the music scene. Inevitable nothing comes of it, why? Well, the answer is always without exception — Jake.
"It's been over 6 years since we last heard anything new from Jake (the 'Dusk' album [from BADLANDS] doesn't count since that was recorded in the early 90's). The WICKED ALLIANCE album, which in its own right would now be nearly 10 years old, isn't going to see the light of day — at least in its current incarnation. It really would be just short of a small miracle if anything were released this year given that we are halfway through the year.
"Jake was moving to Las Vegas at the beginning of the year, but as far as I'm aware, that move still hasn't taken place. I currently understand that Jake is without Internet access as well. Not looking to good, is it, folks...
"I've really stopped replying to most emails now as well. There really is little point in me trying to answer anything because I really DON'T KNOW what is going on. So please if you have emailed me and not received a response its because your email has probably fallen into one of several categories:
- What is Jake doing?
- When are we going to hear new music?
- What does Jake think of...?
- Can you ask Jake a question for me?
- Can you pass on to Jake a message?
- Song configuration, technical queries etc.
- An Ozzy Osbourne question.
"I can't answer any of the above questions/queries as I either just don't know the answers or I can't get Jake to answer any of the questions/queries. The best source of information at the moment would have to be the message board. There are a lot of experienced and knowledgeable people registered and posting on the message board, so please if you have a technical or music related query I would encourage you to try posting your question there. I'm sure someone on the message board will be more than willing to help out if they can — and if all else fails at least you may get a laugh or two out of some of the responses!
"I will let everyone know via this news page when/if any news worth reporting breaks. In the mean time as hard as it to be a Jake fan these days, I encourage you to stick in there and who knows one day soon we may finally see the pot at the end of the rainbow..."