April 24, 2014

MORBID ANGEL, DYING FETUS, THE FACELESS, THY ART IS MURDER, GOATWHORE, ORIGIN, DECREPIT BIRTH, WITHIN THE RUINS and FALLUJAH have been confirmed for the eighth annual Summer Slaughter Tour, set to take place from July 17 through August 10. The trek will stop at The House of Blues in Los Angeles on July 19 and Irving Plaza in New York on August 8, with VIP ticketing currently available now for both shows. Look for the complete list of tour dates to be announced in the coming weeks.

David Vincent (vocals, bass) of MORBID ANGEL states: "Summer Slaughter will be the ultimate, extreme music festival this year and we look forward to headlining this special touring event. It will be great to see our long-time fans and also to expose a new generation to MORBID ANGEL."

Ash Avildsen, founder of the Summer Slaughter Tour, adds: "Eight years strong. Extreme metal lives! Thank you for keeping the tour alive. See you this summer."

For more information and VIP ticketing information, go to this location.

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