MTLEY CRE Drummer Sued By Former Assistant

December 1, 2011

According to, MTLEY CRE drummer Tommy Lee is being sued by his former assistant for defamation and failure to pay overtime, among other claims.

Michael Anthony Sullivan, who claims to have worked as Lee's "procurer, Man Friday, chauffeur, guide, bookkeeper, attendant, door-keeper, agent, butler, valet, attendant, cook, shopper, nanny, bodyguard, maid, nurse and nursemaid" from January 2005 to March 2011, filed a lawsuit against Lee and Lee's company, Mayhem Touring, in Los Angeles Superior Court Wednesday, claiming that he was worked virtually around the clock, and that Lee made improper deductions from the assistant's paycheck. The disgruntled assistant also asserts that after he was terminated, he was hired to become the tour manager for BUSH, but lost the job because of "Lee's defamatory statements and interference."

"Lee found Sullivan so useful that he required him to stay at his residence so that he was always available for service," the suit says. "However, after requiring Sullivan to stay at the home and obtaining the benefits of Sullivan's presence in his home, in 2009, Lee began deducting $1,000 from his wages every month for 'rent.'"

You can check out the entire lawsuit at this location.

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