MURDERDOLLS Guitarist Launches Search For 'Trashiest Band In The U.K.'

September 16, 2004

Acey Slade, guitarist for Roadrunner recording artists MURDERDOLLS, is giving "the chance of a lifetime" to a lucky U.K. band. While on tour with his new group, TRASH LIGHT VISION, Slade will be searching for a band to bestow the title "Trashiest Band in the U.K." upon. Finalists will get to open for TRASH LIGHT VISION at their London show on Tuesday, October 5 at The Underworld. The winner will be picked at the show by Acey, Alex Kane from the band ANTIPRODUCT, and will be based in part on audience participation. The winning group will receive a prize pack with gifts from Manic Panic, D'Andria guitar pedals and effects, Sanctuary Records, BC Rich Guitars, Merch Monster Clothing, air time on Total Rock Radio, TRASH LIGHT VISION merchandise, and items from the Bats store in Manchester, most of it packed in Acey's personal backpack. The entire concert will be filmed for Detonator TV, who encourage the participating acts to behave as decadently as they chose.

The bands can enter the contest by sending links and MP3s to [email protected] or presenting a press kit at a TRASH LIGHT VISION show prior to the Underworld show.

"I've been fortunate enough to go all over the world and play music," said Acey in a statement. "I'm always searching out new bands and quite frankly, I'm disgusted by how sterile they are. So, I'm looking for the trashiest band I can find. Once I find them, I'm going to shower them with gifts to help further and support their decadent lifestyle. Whether it's music equipment or hair dye, their trash will be treasured."

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