MUSHROOMHEAD Drummer: SLIPKNOT 'Traded A Platinum Record For Dignity, Honor And Respect'

October 9, 2006

Midwest Movement recently conducted an interview with MUSHROOMHEAD drummer Steve "Skinny" Felton. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow:

Midwest Movement: As I'm sure you know, Calek's [director Chad Calek] been making headlines in the likes of Revolver and with his documentary, "A Clown Short of Destiny", which has become one of the most talked-about and highly anticipated "rockumentaries" in recent memory, due in part to the fact that the film deals with SLIPKNOT, and calls into question the role SLIPKNOT played in the demise of its own hometown Des Moines, Iowa local music scene, both before, and after they became successful. Now I'm assuming that you're one of the few people in existence who have actually seen the film in its entirety, because on the front page of the MUSHROOMHEAD MySpace Page, as well as, you've posted the 20-minute extended trailer that aired this week on iKlipz. My question is why? Is this a statement against SLIPKNOT? Or is this a statement for the film itself as a great film?

Skinny: I had already heard about the film long before I met Chad since there's been a pretty big buzz about the film for a long time. I mean, when Revolver had it on their cover, my phone came off the hook about it. So I definitely wanted to see it. And I also heard all the hype about all the shit SLIPKNOT pulled, so I was expecting a two-hour ass-whipping of SLIPKNOT. But after watching the film, I realized just how awesome it really was. It's really more of a story about a band that strived to unify its scene, and the importance of supporting each other at all costs, than it is about one band that turned their back on everyone. I mean, the SLIPKNOT story is revealing and I'm sure it'll shock people, but the story of 35" MUDDER and the Des Moines Iowa local music scene is what makes "A Clown Short of Destiny" a truly great film, and I'll bet you that part of the story is why it's won all the awards it's won, not because of SLIPKNOT. And the editing, the look and feel of the film, it's all very signature. Chad even wrote, performed and recorded the entire score. So there's just a sick style Chad has that's all his own, which makes this film one of kind. But again, it's Chad's style. There's really nothing like it. I mean, it's so underground that it just doesn't get any more fucking cool. It's like when you first see the 8mm footage of the Z-Boys skating the empty pools in Southern California. That's how "A Clown Short of Destiny" feels. It's so raw and honest. And the music is the shit. Let me say this right now. Des Moines music is awesome! Absolutely fucking awesome. So yeah, the reason we put the "A Clown Short of Destiny" trailer on our websites wasn't to say "Fuck SLIPKNOT". I don't roll like that. I don't work subliminally. If I want to say "Fuck SLIPKNOT," I'll just say "Fuck SLIPKNOT." The reason we posted the trailers for "A Clown Short of Destiny" was because it's a great movie, and we want to help bring exposure to the Des Moines scene. I mean just listening to the music in the film proves that there's way more talent in that backyard (Des Moines) than anyone realizes. And of course we posted it because we believe in Chad as a truly groundbreaking filmmaker (pause),and of course I'm also trying to get the guy to do a documentary about the Cleveland scene (laughs).

Midwest Movement: Awesome. I know you're busy and you need to get rolling to sound check, so here's your last question, and it's one I've always wanted to ask you. As long as MUSHROOMHEAD has existed, MUSHROOMHEAD fans have always claimed that SLIPKNOT stole your image and claimed it as their own. I've even heard stories of fans throwing batteries at SLIPKNOT when they came to Cleveland to play. And over the years, there have been many stories told of verbal exchanges passed through the rumor mills of metal. But when it comes to the press, both MUSHROOMHEAD and SLIPKNOT have both played it fairly cool. Both sides seem to always take a "hands-off" approach for the sake of being PC and not starting anything between each other. So for the record, there's no debate as to who was formed first. MUSHROOMHEAD was formed before SLIPKNOT. There's no debate as to who had matching jumpsuits first. Again, you guys had them long before SLIPKNOT. Pig Benis, your bass player, wore a pig mask with the lock through the nose long before Paul of SLIPKNOT did. I don't know anyone who debates these things. But perhaps I'm wrong. And in all fairness to SLIPKNOT, it cannot be proven as to what they knew and when they knew it. It is possible that they may very well have just had a similar idea, and the idea itself leads to a certain thought pattern that settles on the same result. And musically, there is a definite difference between MUSHROOMHEAD and SLIPKNOT. But having said all of that, for the record, if you were in standing in a room with SLIPKNOT today, face to face, what would you say to them and why?

Skinny: Honestly, I'd say "You're welcome." (long pause) And then I'd ask them, "So now that I'm face to face with all of you pussies, do you still want to beat my ass? Because I'm right here. So if you want some, take your shot, but don't whine like a bitch when it doesn't go down the way you planned. Because this won't be the first time that I've whipped a Clown's ass.

I'm just done playing nice guy. We've kept our mouths shut for eight years, and listened to everyone tell us to play nice, and it's got us nowhere. For eight years we sat by as those assholes talked their shit about us and tried to tear us down at every corner and every stop. But guess what? We're still here. And when you talk as much shit as they have, the thing is, you had better be able to back your shit talking up. We're all from Cleveland, and we don't play nice with others. So if SLIPKNOT wants to keep talking shit about us, then go ahead. If they want to continue their efforts to bring us down...go ahead. But just know that when we find you, we will most definitely knuckle the fuck up and lay you the fuck out. And I don't give a shit how many records they've sold. Or how well they play their instruments. I don't care how much money they've made or what kind of car they drive. I could care less because it means nothing. Every single person they've stepped on and ripped off on their way to the top, they'll meet on their way back down. And it's going to be a quick fall and a lot of face time with a lot of betrayed people who don't give a fuck about what happens to any those guys. They sold out everyone they possibly could to get that check. They traded a platinum record for dignity, honor and respect. So they can say what they want about MUSHROOMHEAD, but we're still here, and every single friend we've ever made, to this day, we still have, and they know where they stand with us. So if you want to talk shit, SLIPKNOT, well, you know where to find us. Whenever you're ready, just bring your weak-ass shit to Cleveland and let's see what happens.

Corey Taylor says "You cannot kill what you did not create". Maybe so. But I guess you can sure as fuck sell what you stole.

Read the entire interview at

To read Corey Taylor's previous comments about the MUSHROOMHEAD "feud," go to this location.

(Thanks: C. Geiger)

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