May 14, 2014

Northern Finland thrash metal veterans NATIONAL NAPALM SYNDICATE will release a new mini CD, "Lex Talionis", on June 27 via Violent Journey Records. The disc features the band's original vocalist, Aku Raaska, and original drummer, Pasi Pauanne. The CD's recording lineup is completed by the third original member Jukka Kyrö (guitar) and new recruits Hapa Lampinen (guitar) and Niko Karppinen (bass).

According to a press release, "Lex Talionis" is a return to NATIONAL NAPALM SYNDICATE's classic thrash sound from the '80s." It is described as "old-school thrash metal with no mercy for the faint-hearted. The POSSESSED and SLAYER influences are still there, with a nice twist of EXODUS to make things a bit more interesting."

"Lex Talionis" contains two new smashing original songs and three covers. The covers are from legendary Finnish hardcore/punk bands KANSANTURVAMUSIIKKIKOMISSIO (KTMK) and VIVISEKTIO. As a bonus track, there's a cover of NUCLEAR ASSAULT's "My America", the title of which was changed to "My Pudasjärvi", an ode to the original birthplace of NATIONAL NAPALM SYNDICATE. This song is previously unreleased and is taken from NATIONAL NAPALM SYNDICATE's 1988 "FEAR2" demo tape.

"Lex Talionis" track listing:

01. The Church Of The Rat
02. Planet Satan
03. Oulu Palaa
04. Jeesus Oli Venäläinen Kantoraketti
05. My Pudasjärvi


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