NECROPHAGIA Completes Songwriting Process For New Album

April 22, 2010

Gore metal legends NECROPHAGIA have completed the songwriting process for their long-awaited new album, "Deathtrip 69". According to the band, "The new material sounds like it should have chronologically followed 'Season of the Dead', consisting of very dark and heavy riffs interwoven with audio horror and inhuman vocals. [Frontman] Killjoy [real name: Frank Pucci] is full of praises for the new lineup and says that although it's been a very long time since the band has been active, it's the beginning of a rollercoater ride into horror hell! Inspiration is at an all-time peak and having known guitarist Boris Randall for over twenty years makes things a lot easier when it comes songwriting 'because we are always thinking in the same direction musically.' Another element brought back to NECROPHAGIA is lead guitar passages courtesy of Randall.

"Songs definitely set to appear are as follows:

* Beast With Feral Claws
* Suffering Comes In Sixes
* Naturan Demonto
* Reborn Through Black Mass
* A Funeral For Solange
* Tomb With A View

"NECROPHAGIA will mark their return on June 26th 2010 headling the FireWalk Fest in Milwaukee. Next up [is the] 'Deathtrip 69' [release] this fall along with a U.S./Canadian tour with THE MOST legendary black metal band from Norway (bands and dates will be announced very shortly).

"A demo version of 'Beast with Feral Claws' will be world-premiered on the NECROPHAGIA MySpace page on Saturday, April 24."

NECROPHAGIA will begin working on a series of videos for an upcoming DVD, to be titled "The Gospel of Gore", once it has completed the recording of its long-awaited new album, "Deathtrip 69". Some early names the band has expressed interest in working with include Hart D. Fisher, Jim Vanbebber, Herschell Gordon Lewis, Tom Savini, Ryan Nicholson, Toe Tag Pictures, Don Edmonds, Gunnar Hansen, Jovanka Vuckovic and Mariano Baino.

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